How To Get Into Game Journalism: Xfire Chat


On Tuesday I was privileged to participate in a live chat on Xfire for their Careers in Gambling Week. Joining me was Michael Zenke, Games Editor in chief for Slashdot, and a host of people with questions about being a game journalist.


cigmedia: For the second disclike of chats, we have two top editors, we are super lucky to have Russ Pitts from The Escapist and Michael Zenke from Slashdot; they have taken the time out of their schedules to answer our questions and imbue us with wisdom, so let the chat commence!

cigmedia: I would like to have our special guests take a moment to introduce themselves…

[Slashdot] Michael: Hi there. My name is Michael Zenke, and I'm the games editor program over at Slashdot. I also blog at, and freelance at 1up, and for this other guy.
* [Slashdot] Michael points his finger at Russ.

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: Hello. I'm Russ Pitts, Assort Editor program of The Wishful thinker.

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: Enquiry: Edguardo the Milk Bandit: I much prefer reading games magazines than browsing through websites such every bit Gamespot, however it seems that printed journalism is slowly being pushed aside by the cyberspace. Do you feel that magazines will before long become a affair of the past? The internet obviously has its advantages, just Which media do you prefer?
Answer: I father't think print media is going anywhere. Obviously the print folks have to get a bit chip smarter almost how they serve upwardly their content, since these days you can get just about anything you deprivation happening the net, gratis, but the need for print media will never go gone. You still need something to take … on the bus … with you.

Simply I apparently prefer online. It's more immediate, you can take more chances and it's far, far simpler to find your stuff ahead of an audience. That aforementioned, I still prefer work with some thought put into IT. Whether impress or online.

[Slashdot] Michael: I would agree. Print offers a number of different things that online can't jibe up. I am in person a massive fan of Edge, and the quality of the theme, the quality of the authorship exhibited there. It's not something you can receive online at the moment.

I likewise think over print is 'safer' for publishers at this point, hush up. Online is placid some form of Wild West for a lot of older business guys.

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: Question: -Yoda-: Question: How is gaming journalism different that say Television writing or Newspaper writing. I know television is shorter and to the sharpen, so how would gaming journalism compare to these medias?
Resolve: News media is journalism is journalism. The best way to become a spunky diary keeper is to determine news media. If you'ray a journalist, you force out drop a line about anything.

As of at present, though, I think the differences are in what's expected. You can break loose with a lot lower berth caliber work in games, and I don't necessarily think that's a good thing.

[Slashdot] Michael: Doubt: Michael: How fun is it working for companies like 1up?
Response: It's so much like freelancing anywhere else, really. 🙂 The folks at 1up are awesome, don't get me wrong, but freelancing for indefinite group is much the unvaried as another. You pitch an idea, you discove if the other end likes it, and then you write it and hand it in ahead your deadline.

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: Question: Hellblazer: How did you get into the industry writing about video games?
Answer: I've been writing my whole life (I'm 30-something). I've left-slanting for film, TV, theater and on the internet. I've likewise played games my whole life. Until recently, however, it didn't occurred to Maine to mix the two. At one time I distinct I wanted to spell about games, I searched for a publication I wanted to write for (The Wishful thinker) and submitted textile to them. They received, I got printed, and then I took a job there American Samoa editor. It was passabl simple, if you don't count the decades I spent learning the ropes 😉

[Slashdot] Michael: I volunteered at a web site called, where I wrote about Massively Multiplayer games gratis. Putting my bring up out there with that site led me to talk to Simon Carless, then-editor of Slashdot Games and now the EIC of Gamasutra/Game Developer. When he left Slashdot I was happening the short lean he handed my boss, and I guess I fooled him. This month Simon Marks three years I've been with the site.

[Slashdot] Michael: Dubiousness: That ties in kinda nicely with whîsp: To totally: What instruction would you recommend other then fourth estate and English majors to become a gambling or computer germane diary keeper? Any specialty subjects to study?
Solution: My only if real good word would beryllium to get a college level of some kind. College will leave you a breadth of experience that is hard to tired. Preceding and beyond that, though, there are various skills they won't teach you in undergraduate studies. Pitching articles to editors, dealing with unhappy Praseodymium folks, talking loudly enough to be heard at parties you don't want to be at … These are all useful skills likewise.

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: Question: Namdas: Dubiousness for all: I'm a thirteen year old Kansan tiddler who is paler than a ghost because I drop thusly a good deal time inside on the computer. I like to write game reviews and read game reviews, and a great deal they accept dictated whether or not I would purchase a game. I need to get into gaming-journalism, but I would like to know: What does it fancy make information technology to the big-time game sites like IGN and GameSpot?
Answer: When I hear, I'll let you know 🙂

But seriously, work hard, write well and be truthful. Good act upon floats to the top. If you have integrity and are good at what you do, citizenry will notice.

[Slashdot] Michael: I entirely correspond with Russ. If you have the chops, the folks you're pitching articles to will let you bon in a hurry. The key, I think, is to realize that rightful like with any other industry you have to pay your dues. It's hard to acres a full-time games reporting lanc because in that location are much of really intellectual people (World Health Organization have been doing this for a while) looking for those jobs as well. Don't feel malfunctioning most freelancing for a spell ahead you essa for one of the big name calling.

[Wishful thinker] Russ Pitts: Query: -Yoda-: Do you work extensively with developers, operating theatre dress you work mainly on your own for the articles that you write?
Answer: Little of both. For some articles I want to write of an feel free of any "tailspin" from the devs or PR folks. For others I want all the help they can give me. It depends on the narration, the developer and my humor, honestly.

[Slashdot] Michael: For what I do, I have most no more contact with developers. Which is not to say I never see or talk to them, they're just not a part of what I do on a solar day-to-day basis.

[Dreamer] Russ Pitts: Question: DJ RBK: How act you cultivate relationships with game companies, especially when your site is just starting out?
Respond: Introduce yourself to everyone. Rifle to a game party's website, look for their press release section and read the push releases for names and email addresses. These are the people who are hired to answer your questions.

Also, go to conventions. I've made few of my Sunday-go-to-meeting contacts at game conventions.

[Slashdot] Michael: "It's not what you know, IT's who you have intercourse." is a definite accuracy. Conventions are *the* best way to get folks speech you. If each you need to do is walk about equal to a booth and put out your hand, you'll be afraid past how easy it is to clear a new contact/acquaintance.

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: Question: BrotherJohn: Have you ever retributive picked up a game and played one and just thought, wow essential give review or is it strictly write approximately what you're acknowledged?
Answer: Both. I'm lucky in my position at The Escapist in this I get to prefer my assignments the majority of the time, but non everyone is so lucky. And when I do get an assignment I work Eastern Samoa hard as if it were something I was passionate about. That's what information technology way to embody a master.

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: Question: Fallen Angel: To Russ Pitts: what's up to their necks in writing for a magazine?
Answer: All magazines accept soul WHO's job it is to search for new placid. That's my job at The Dreamer. Piece of writing for a magazine is as simple and as hard as sending them a story tilt and waiting for a answer. The conjuring trick is to pitch to magazines that print the kind of stories you want to spell, and in a style compatible with your own. Then Be patient and persistent.

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: Question: [Fx]ĠŦ: My question Is how would you assay to get more readers back into magazines? And how would you Deal with the Online Articles Would you put up them operating theatre non?
Serve: If I were in print media accurate now I would … drink much … many

Then I would focus on providing something in the mark version that wasn't available online, and ensuring that both streams complimented from each one other.

[Dreamer] Russ Pitts: Oppugn: [Fx]ĠŦ: To Russ: Answer you ever talk active topics like System Wars and being a Journalist Fare you get to try out Betas and other online activities?
Answer: Soothe wars are the go-to for when I have cypher better to write about. There clean isn't enough that can constitute said almost which platform is better than which otherwise. Information technology's an dateless debate, and hoi polloi love to read that stuff.

I exercise get Of import invites and review copies and such. PR folks trust that sending the States glut is a skilful way to ensure we'll feel obligated to write something – and they'ray right.

[Slashdot] Michael: Oppugn: Dr. Richard Kimble: How delicate is it to let on into the orbit without a degree, assuming one is a fairly talented writer with a good cognition of the gaming industry?
Answer: Not. Your penning is ultimately what citizenry will take care at. Information technology helps to receive the degree connected at that place because IT proves you can work petrous … or at least make people think you can work hard. My personal opinion is that what your degree is in matters less than that you have unmatched.

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: I agree with Michael. You don't need a degree. Information technology helps, and I would certainly non recommend to anyone that they skip college, but set work and determination (I know, I know) are what matters most.

[Slashdot] Michael: Doubtfulness: [Xfire] Brinstar: What do you entertain St. David Gornoski's (Videogame Media Watch) assertion that the "corruption and sully" in the game media stem from dependency happening publisher exclusives? Have you ever been pressured by companies to skew your articles positively? If so, how did you hand with that pressure?
Answer: I've never had to deal with the exclusives problem, but I can understand where he's coming from. I like VMW a lot, actually. (and not just because he said nice things about Maine.) I father't really care whether an article is an concentrated or non; I like whether IT's well in writing operating room not. People ask me what the secret to acquiring on Slashdot is, and there you pop off: write operative.

As for feeling pressure, even on my lesser street corner of the internet I've felt the suntan. I can honestly suppose I've never written a revue that wasn't 100% what I felt, though. My report cards when I was a kid said I had problems playacting well with others. If you can garner a reputation for beingness brutally sincere, you'll scare some PR folks. I think it's worth it.

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: I Agree with Mike. I know that people do get pressure equivalent this, but I think the instances are the raw exceptions.

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: Call into question: SoK| Lizi: I've been told that having an English degree will hurt my chances in getting into the publication world. I'm more interested in English than Journalism or Mass Communication theory though. What buttocks I do to better my chances?
Solvent: Listen to this advice. You can study literature without going for a lit degree, but learning to glucinium a journalist is a mass harder without the active experience you'll gain from the degree. Put it this way: studying news media will non ruin your appreciation operating theater aptitude for literature.

[Slashdot] Michael: Question: Namdas: What subsequence-less game do you think most deserves a sequel?
Answer: That's an easy one. Shiny's Sacrifice. First-person RTS FTW.

[Slashdot] Michael: Question: Down Angel: To anyone: what is your dearie clause you have written? And what was it on?
Serve: (I promise I'm not sucking up to Russ here.) It was, hands down, this one: (Seems very appropriate for this schmoose, too.) The responses were just *thus* on, the article fell together like buttah.

[Escapist] Russ Pitts:
I'm real doting of the one I just wrote for this week's The Dreamer.

[Dreamer] Russ Pitts: Question: Dr. Richard Kimble: I keep a review web log in my free clock time. If I were to get serious and write regularly and ofttimes, what would you reccommend I Doctor of Osteopathy in order to get more hits?
Serve: I think my advice to this is the similar I'd offer anyone start any business: find a emptiness in the market and fill it. Offer something no one other is offering. Sales booth out. In whatever fashio possible.

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: Question: Vossk: Do you attend up to operating theatre look up to anyone elses work?
Response: Dead. Alas, being a author, I'm ineffective to muster the selflessness to mutter their names. But check into Careen, Paper, Shotgun for whatsoever stuff on PC gaming by just about of my favorite writers.

[Slashdot] Michael: I look up to a ton of people's employment: Allen Varney, Scott Sharkey, Paul Simon Carless, Yahtzee Croshaw, John Davison, Jim Rossignol, Luke Smith (when He was doing it) …

I also really like a lot of MMOG Bloggers: Van Winter fern, AFK Gamer, Brent from VirginWorlds, etc. (though they'Re not technically journalists, they're great writers.)

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: Question: Edguardo the Milk Bandit: Russ & Michael: 'New Games Journalism' has allowed a much different linear perspective for reviewing games than traditional games news media, allowing the generator to write as more of a travel diary keeper visiting the game's world than a writer reviewing a piece of software. Do you think there is a future in this style of games journalism? Have you written a firearm of NGJ yourself? What do you spirit are the pros and cons of NGJ?
Answer: I think NGJ is interesting, and will ultimately end up as one of many tools employed past crippled writers. I admire the balls of the folk who pioneered the try, but I imagine we can and should go far beyond what NGJ signifies.

[Slashdot] Michael: I oasis't left-slanting any NGJ stuff myself, but I do think in that location is a future for IT. I think the NGJ … dang, Russ just took my answer.

I'll tally that anyone that can write a NGJ piece that is as good as this deserves to write that way.

[Slashdot] Michael: Question: burningmunk: What do you think about the mass media's spin connected gaming as a children's field and not winning much of anything seriously?
Respond: Gaah politicians are idiots. It's same the monsters in the Simpsons. The less you compensate attention to them, the less superpowe they consume. "Just don't look, Just don't look."

[Wishful thinker] Russ Pitts: Information technology sucks. I've been play my whole life, my significant other games, and we both lul get dirty looks when we're gaming in open or wearing game Tees operating theater whatsoever. I'm making a living at it only somehow it's not a serious pursuit? I assume't set about that.

It's unavoidable, considering the nature of the medium, but I Don River't twig. Although I suppose it's a fair trade considering the feculent looks I grant people who do stupid pig out I don't agree with – like watching hockey.

[Slashdot] Michael: Hey! Hockey rules. 🙂

[Dreamer] Russ Pitts: Question: | PorkLord: Nearly content for fourth estate seems to be delivered bluff from publishers. Bash you headache about their opinion connected something like a bad review? Are publishers less generous to those who poorly review their titles? Or do they sill prefer their products key out be delivered to your audience?
Solvent: I think it's important for the consumer to be sensible of where their information is coming from. Blogs same ThreeSpeech blur the line between journalism and PR, and I think that's a bad matter in general. But I'm gladiola the developers are sol active in attempting to get their messages outgoing. They should be. And it makes my job easier in a lot of ways. But I never take anyone's Bible for anything.

I've detected of publishers being unprocessed to outlets that give severe reviews, but I don't think this is wide spread. I think they get more annoyed when you father't write anything at all.

[Slashdot] Michael: Head: Vossk: Do you feel that the PC gaming is really dying? Many another are expression consoles are winning concluded the PC and killing it off, do you agree?
Answer: Anyone who has seen International of Warcraft's sales figures will tell you the PC isn't going anyplace anytime soon. Massive games are the biggest reason to play on PC today. Tied as MMOGs come out to push onto consoles more, I reckon you're going to see very much of common people who refuse to give up their keyboard and mouse for FPS titles.

I'm not worried about PC play; I think analysts are the only when ones WHO are.

[Slashdot] Michael: Question: Dr. Richard Kimble: How many articles, on average, do you pump out in a month's prison term?
Answer: "Heart extinct." You pull through sound so filthy. I set an article all other week for the Escapist, plus a weekly newspaper column for 1up, advantageous between 4 and 5 blog posts a week for MMOGNation. Whol of those I count atomic number 3 articles. I also behave virtually 4-7 posts to Slashdot every day.

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: I have a salaried lay out, so my income isn't directly tied to my output. That said, I'd still be doing alright if it were. I produce about two feature articles per calendar month, and twice that many editorials/reviews.

[Slashdot] Michael: Question: Edguardo the Milk Bandit: I consider myself a good writer, but quite often find myself struggling to fulfil deadlines and so much. What advice could you give to quicken the writing march?
Answer: Don't. Budget your time to make secure you leave every article the breathing space it needs. I'm sorry I don't have whatever smashing answers, but sometimes spirit sucks. 🙂 I have this problem whol the time. "Do I play a game surgery write about a game I've already played?"

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: Slow down. Find organized. Stop taking on work on until you can get into a system that works. If writing is your job, you should work it American Samoa a farm out and write 6-8 hours per day. If you can't practice that, you're in the wrong business 🙁

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: Head: Namdas: How do you feel about rereleases or remakes of old games, specifically targetting games the likes of "Super Mario 64 DS" which altogether sunk the original game for me.
Answer: I don't mind so daylong as they're fun. Sometimes we put overmuch pressing on games. Remakes even to a greater extent so.

[Slashdot] Michael: Fun! Yes, they moldiness be fun. Why would you let a new back ruin an doddering game for you? Did Mario DS work over Fantastic Mario Bros. until he wouldn't stick out anymore? I'm still waiting for a Super Mario Bros. 2 Atomic number 110. I loved our version of Doki Doki Terror.

[Slashdot] Michael: Question: whîsp: To All: Is it hard for you as journalists writing reviews to remain as object as possible operating theatre are you allowed by your editors to be subjective?
Suffice: There is no much matter as an objective recap. The key is to live as honest American Samoa possible. If you don't like RTS's, and you're reviewing an RTS, say so in your opening statement that RTS's are non your loving cup of tea. An up on reader will be able to look between the lines and fig out where you're coming from.

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: Agree with Mike. Objectivity in reviews is a myth. Be honest, and don't try to critical review a game if you hate the genre.

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: Question: -Yoda-: Is there a specific orbit of journalism to get into? My civilize offers accent in Tidings Skilled workman, Telecommunications, and Public relations. The classes are crabbed compadible but is there a specific unity I should effort to get into?
Answer: Whichever interests you most. If you're engaged, you'll learn fitter. (real English people, folks 🙂 )

[Slashdot] Michael: Query: Air_Storm: Does Plagarism be in Secret plan journalism? What are the consequences?
Answer: Shootings in the main square at dawn. The ugly truth is that a lot of people write on pretty much the same stuff. Eventually, someone is going to call Anchor rin 3 "innovative" or "effervescent" or whatever. Just because information technology shows up in another review doesn't mean it's plagiarism. That said (peculiarly amongst bloggers) cutting and pasting seems to be a actually easily way to "report". I always always forever always make destined it's clear where I'm acquiring news when I spot it.

The consequences, unfortunately, are not very dangerous. They're definitely not what they should follow. In that location have been, though, some high-profile instances of plagiarizing bloggers acquiring sacked for doing it, and most of the folks I know hate the idea as very much like I practise. I cogitate a distribute of multiplication it's just field old intentional sloth. "Oh, it's not that big a deal" is a slippery slope.

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: Question: AdDiCt: Has there ever been a story or project so big that you voluntarily gave up your personal life to get the story/scoop/lanc/some?
Answer: Um … every convention ever? I hate traveling, but I attend conventions because A) it's a great place to meet people and B) it's a groovy place to get smug.
Just now this past weekend I gave up 7 hours of my life to go see Richard Garriott's house because I longed-for to have a storey to evidence. It was Worth it. Parts of information technology sucked, but IT was worth it.

[Slashdot] Michael: I just got done with: a two day trip to Seattle to see a stake company, Gen Con, PAX, and GDC Austin. Stamp out me. Kill me now.

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: Doubt: [Fx]ĠŦ: Russ Operating theater Michael: have any of you e'er turned to fans of games or folk to help you compose an article. Coiffe you post there opinions?
Answer: No. I'll on occasion lean on my SO to assistance me fine tune a piece I'm having trouble with, but I'm very serious about my words being my words, and non influenced by anyone else. At the end of the day, all you have is your integrity.

[Slashdot] Michael: The solitary person WHO touches my run-in besides me is my editor. Having an editor is a luxury I think everyone who writes should have. The interplay between two people working to draw a set of sentences into something not crap is a lot of fun … true if sometimes you wish to make with the stabbings.

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: Question: | PorkLord: In person I try on to avoid recitation early material along a back/piece I am also writing for, I fear it may skew Oregon influence my own clause in some way. Doh you also fend off this, or dress you like to evaluate the opinions of others?
Answer: I wish I could. As Acquisitions Editor I see almost every piece of content we run. I try very, very hard to fence in inactive the break of my brain that creates words when I'm reading other people's. But ultimately all position I'm privy to informs my own. I've read articles in better publications I knew were inspired by articles I'd written, and that's Very well, actually. We all rich person voices and our minds takings us in unique places. We complete inspire each other. Notwithstandin that happens is OK. So long as we're not outright theft from each other.

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: Question: Dr. Richard Kimble: Here's one I've forever wondered about: Which do you turn over to be a more roaring form of writing, clownlike or solemn? I like to 'funny up' my writing, but testament that hurt me?
Answer: It's possible to be serious all but writing and still be funny. The audience is the key here. As long as you'rhenium writing for them, funny operating room straight doesn't substance. If it gets your distributor point across, use what works.

[Slashdot] Michael: Question: Jantempler: What do you find is the best classify of brave to atomic number 4 working an article along, which musical style do you find to work on to the highest degree is better?
Answer: A stock response I give in a lot is "Write what you're torrid about." That's why I write about Massively Multiplayer games much. I love the things. They'Ra teh hawesome, and I find I can pretty much spout nonse- … say meaningful, insightful things about them daylong. That's why, in bouffant game journalism shops, people get known as 'the guy' for something. "Oh, helium's our Final Fantasy guy" or "OH, atomic number 2 reviews all the Metroid games." The best thing to do is accept one of those (WHO is manifestly passionate about the genre/game series) and a total newb. So you get the best of both worlds.

[Slashdot] Michael: Question: Dr. Richard Kimble: How often do you find yourself up at 4am struggling with author's block?
Answer: Not soh a good deal writer's block, but 4am? All the time. The best part of working at home is that you don't have to travel to work. The whip part about working from house is that YOU ARE Ever WORKING. The key there is to make trusted you give birth a space where you WORK, and little else. Having a home office is suchlike a petite bit of heaven.

[Dreamer] Russ Pitts: Not a good deal, actually. Division of my changeful historical was penning for a daily, animate Television program. Having to bear a handwriting along time, every time, every day was an excellent experience. You learn ways to hasten your listen to deliver when failure is not an option.

One and only trace is to publish about anything your mind goes to. When you'atomic number 75 blocked on a write up, write on something else. You English hawthorn find it will lead to a find on the immobilise.

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: Question: {IW} MNET: How did you get introduced into the game journalism industry anyway? How did you get at that place? Any helpful hints?
Answer: I was precise serendipitous to stumble on a community site seeking writers a piece second. I worked with them for a while before trying to get anything published. I must have written for a year or two (weekly) for no wage before I submitted to a game magazine. This experience was valuable.

[Slashdot] Michael: Question: Destroyed Angel: To wholly guests: what keister I manage to increase my chances of getting a job in journalism for major publishings such American Samoa the ones that you are in?
Answer: My advice is to start small. (also, I'm non a 'major' anything. 🙂 Pitch an clause to someplace that relies on Freelancers, and extend to from there. The best thing to do is get your foot in your room access someplace (anywhere) and then consistently be the superfine written, friendliest, timeliest, smartest, funniest, most eloquent author an editor has ever seen in front.

[Dreamer] Russ Pitts: Head: | PorkLord: How do you find the time to brushup BIG games? Wouldn't each review/clause on a game personify worth the same artistically and financially? If sol, how do you differ your time between playacting done a 5 hour game, or say a 80 hour Final Fancy romp?
Answer: Unless you're determined to get every last the way through an 80+ hour game before writing about it, IT's not essential to finish. You had a good idea 10 hours into FF if it was a serious secret plan or not. Write about that. And if you utterly HAVE to know how IT ends to write about it, only the Major guide :).

[Slashdot] Michael: Question: Air_Storm: Pirates or Ninjas.
Answer: Pirates. ARRRR!

And nowigottago. I'm off to do a tabletop session. 🙂 <- nerd.

[Escapist] Russ Pitts: Pirates all the way, baby.


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